


IPFS Private Network Setup Method

Step 1: Install IPFS Node
First, you need to install the IPFS node on your device. If you are a MacOS or Linux user, you can open the terminal and enter the following command:

curl install.ipfs.io | bash

If you are a Windows user, you can download the executable file from the official website of IPFS and install it.

Step 2: Initialize Private Network
After installing the IPFS node, we need to initialize the private network to restrict the connection between nodes within the private network. First, you need to enter the following command to initialize the private network:

ipfs init

Next, you need to create a configuration file for the private network to specify parameters such as the private key and swarm port of the network. Enter the following commands in the terminal:

ipfs config --json Swarm.PrivateNetwork true

ipfs config --json Swarm.AddrFilters '[""]'

ipfs config --json Addresses.Swarm '["/ip4/","/ip6/::/tcp/4001"]'

These three commands respectively enable the private network, restrict the swarm to only accept connections from, and specify the ports that the swarm listens on.

Step 3: Connect to Private Network
In your private network, each node needs to have a unique key. We can generate a unique key by creating a public-private key pair. Enter the following command in the terminal:

ipfs-key init mykey

Here, mykey is the private key you created during the initialization process.

Next, you need to connect the nodes in the private network by adding each other's nodes represented by unique keys. Enter the following command in the terminal:

ipfs bootstrap add /ip4/node-IP-address/tcp/node-swarm-port/ipfs/node-unique-key

Note that each node needs to run this command to add the keys of other nodes to its own bootstrap nodes. Also, replace node-IP-address, node-swarm-port, and node-unique-key with their respective values.

Advantages of IPFS Private Network
The advantage of a private network is that it can provide users with more secure and controllable services. A private network only allows communication between specific nodes, making it more secure. At the same time, a private network can provide users with faster transmission speed and better performance.

By installing IPFS nodes, initializing a private network, and connecting to the private network, we can easily set up an IPFS private network. A private network can provide users with higher data security and performance. I believe this simple tutorial can be helpful to everyone.

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