


Flash Armbian to N1

The new firmware also has brick recovery tools, etc.
Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1WWXYCp2qKPypo78PAYTN4w
Extraction code: 67w5

First, you need to prepare:
A USB flash drive with a capacity of 16G or more (used as the Armbian system boot disk)
HDMI cable to connect to a monitor to view the boot code information
Wired mouse, wired keyboard
Ensure that the N1 box is connected to the science network throughout the process
WinScp (to transfer files and modify files in the box)
Win32DiskImager (to write ArmBian to the USB flash drive) or similar software.
Download Win32DiskImager: https://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/files/latest/download
Download Armbian: https://github.com/ophub/amlogic-s9xxx-armbian/releases/tag/
Firmware keywords: s905d, bullseye, bullseye, then find s905d below

Screenshot 2024-05-30 14.23.00

Screenshot 2024-05-30 14.24.17

Default username: root
Default password: 1234
Install command: armbian-install
Update command: armbian-update

  1. Open Win32DiskImager or a similar firmware writing tool, insert the USB flash drive, select the firmware file, select the USB flash drive device, and wait for the writing process to complete.
  2. Insert the USB flash drive into the USB port near the HDMI port, plug in the power, connect the Ethernet cable to the router, and automatically enter the USB flash drive system.
  3. In the router's backend, find the Armbian device and remember the IP address. Log in using an SSH tool. The following example uses PUTTY.
  4. After entering the system, set it as shown in the figure below, with the default account root and password 1234.
  5. Enter a new password and confirm the new password.
  6. Select Bash, which is enter the number 1 and press Enter.
  7. Press ctrl+c to cancel the username.
  8. Enter the command line.
  9. Run ifconfig, and then install.
  10. armbian-config provides an integrated installation script, where you can configure network, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc. It is recommended to configure Wi-Fi network or N1 wired network plugged into the router.
  11. Use the following command to write Armbian to the N1 box's built-in hard drive:

sudo -i
Then you will be prompted to enter the device code. Our device is N1, so enter 101 and press Enter. Wait until "Complete" appears, then you can unplug the power and remove the USB flash drive, and then restart.

  1. Armbian comes with a Docker installation script. Run the armbian-docker command line, select 3, and install Docker.

  2. Download and install the portainer image. The settings are as follows:
    Download the portainer image:
    docker pull portainer/portainer

Wait for the download to complete, then install:

docker run -d -p 9000:9000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --restart=always --name prtainer portainer/portainer

Wait for the command to complete, then open http://box device's ip:9000 in a browser.

For the first time, set the user password, and then select Local mode to enter the graphical interface for managing Docker.





Wait for the container deployment to complete.

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