


Setting up EwoMail mail server

Installation Environment
Please check the port before installation, click to view (unable to connect to the server)

CentOS 7/8 64-bit system, the server requires a clean environment, and a fresh and clean system is required. It cannot be installed in an existing environment with nginx and mysql.

If you need to install in an existing configuration data environment, please refer to the installation code modification and maintenance on your own.

Please read the documentation carefully before installation, and it is recommended to use CentOS 7 for installation.

Minimum configuration requirements (minimum recommended configuration for cloud servers)
CPU: 1 core
Memory: 2G
Hard disk: 40G
Bandwidth: 1-3M

After EwoMail is installed, the data will be stored in the /ewomail directory.
It is recommended to create the /ewomail directory in advance and mount or allocate the disk capacity to /ewomail.

For the privacy and security of your information, please install and use it from the download channel provided in this document.
Please use CentOS 7/8 for installation.

Disable SELinux

vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux
Change SELINUX=enforcing to SELINUX=disabled


Check swap
If swap is not enabled, this will cause the antivirus component of EwoMail to fail to start, so please check if swap has been enabled before installation. If it has been enabled, you can skip this step.

Check swap:
free -m

If all swap locations show 0, then the system has not created swap yet.

Create swap partition (not required if memory exceeds 2G)
Create a 1G swap, you can adjust the size based on your server configuration.
dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/swap bs=1M count=1024

Set up swap partition file
mkswap /mnt/swap

Enable swap
swapon /mnt/swap
Set the swap partition to start automatically at boot

You need to modify the swap line in the file /etc/fstab and add
/mnt/swap swap swap defaults 0 0


Email Domain
EwoMail itself can be configured with multiple domains to send and receive emails, but you need a main domain for email before installation.
In this tutorial, the main domain used is ewomail.cn

Please choose one of the following installation methods
Git installation (CentOS 7/8)
Gitee installation (CentOS 7/8) Installation method (1)
Gitee project address: https://gitee.com/laowu5/EwoMail

yum -y install git
cd /root
git clone https://gitee.com/laowu5/EwoMail.git
cd /root/EwoMail/install

You need to enter an email domain, without a prefix, like ewomail.cn below#

sh ./start.sh ewomail.cn

For overseas networks, please add a space and "en" after the installation domain, for example, sh ./start.sh ewomail.cn en

GitHub installation overseas (CentOS 7/8) Installation method (2)
GitHub project address: https://github.com/gyxuehu/EwoMail

yum -y install git
cd /root
git clone https://github.com/gyxuehu/EwoMail.git
cd /root/EwoMail/install

You need to enter an email domain, without a prefix, like ewomail.cn below. Add a space and "en" after the domain.#

sh ./start.sh ewomail.cn en

For overseas networks, please add a space and "en" after the installation domain, for example, sh ./start.sh ewomail.cn en

Online installation (CentOS 7/8) Installation method (3)
The server must be connected to the network before installation. The installation time will be approximately 10 minutes depending on your system configuration and network environment. (Requires root privileges)

Before installation, you need to install wget

Open: http://www.ewomail.com/list-11.html and enter your domain name to get the installation code


After executing the installation command, the installation will be automatically completed (requires root privileges)
If prompted, please enter Y

After successful installation, "Complete installation" will be displayed.

Check the installed domain name and database password

cat /ewomail/config.ini

Post-installation configuration
After installing EwoMail, further improvements are needed, which can be done in just a few minutes.
Change password
The default password for the email management background is ewomail123. It is recommended to change it to a complex password.

Login: http://IP:8010, click "Personal Information" to modify.


Modify information

Modify the background title, record information, language, etc.


Webmail port modification

Nginx configuration file /ewomail/nginx/conf/vhost/rainloop.conf

MySQL optimization configuration

If the memory exceeds 4G, please follow these steps

Replace /ewomail/mysql/etc/my-huge.cnf with /ewomail/mysql/etc/my.cnf

Restart MySQL

service mysqld restart

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