


JD Cloud Wireless Treasure AX1800 Pro Arthur No Disassembly Brush Machine OpenWrt and Asus Nanny Tutorial

Below, I will provide you with a tutorial on how to flash OpenWrt istoreOS and Asus firmware without disassembling the device. I wish you all a happy experience.

  1. SSH without disassembly

The methods for enabling SSH on different versions of the JD Cloud Wireless Treasure Arthur firmware are different. Here are three methods for your reference:

A. Enable SSH in developer mode using F12 in the pre-R2200 browser

Log in to the JD Cloud Wireless Treasure using Chrome or another browser with the Chromium kernel, and press F12 to enter the console.


Paste the following code and press Enter to execute:

url: 'http://' + $.cookie("HostAddrIP") + '/jdcapi',
async: false,
data: JSON.stringify({
jsonrpc: "2.0",
id: 1,
method: "call",
params: [
"name": "dropbear",
"instances": {"instance1": {"command": ["/usr/sbin/dropbear"]}}
dataType: 'json',
type: 'POST'


Dropbear has been started, and you can use any SSH client to log in.


  1. Flash U-Boot via SSH

  2. Upload U-Boot to the router using WinSCP

Open the WinSCP software on your computer (connected to the router via network) and enter the router's IP, username, and password to log in.


Transfer the prepared U-Boot file from your computer to the /tmp directory on the router as shown in the following image.


  1. Flash U-Boot

After uploading U-Boot via WinSCP, open the PuTTY software on your computer.


Enter the root account as prompted, then enter the router password (it is normal that the password is not displayed) and press Enter to log in.

Then, enter the following command in PuTTY to flash U-Boot:

dd if=/tmp/u-boot.mbn of=$(blkid -t PARTLABEL=0 -o device) conv=fsync
dd if=/tmp/u-boot.mbn of=$(blkid -t PARTLABEL=0 -o device) conv=fsync


  1. Flash third-party firmware via U-Boot

  2. Flash istoreOS OpenWrt

Hold down the reset button on the router for more than 5 seconds, and release it when the indicator light turns blue.

Follow the method below to set the IP address of your computer to (the last digit can be any number).


Then, enter in your browser to access the U-Boot interface, and select the istore firmware for uploading.


After selecting the istoreOS firmware, click "Update Firmware" and wait for the update to complete to finish the flashing process.


Change your computer to obtain an IP address automatically.


Enter in your computer's browser to open istoreOS and log in.


Enter the root account and password "password" to log in.


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