


OpenWrt Common Command Collection

As a tinkerer with soft routing systems, one must know how to use OpenWrt commands. It's easy to haphazardly install plugins for mips, aarch64, and X86 without distinguishing between architectures. At this point, commands to check the CPU architecture come in handy. Below are the OpenWrt query and maintenance commands organized by 彧繎,mainly related to hardware, system, disk, installation, and other commonly used commands.

cat /proc/cpuinfo
# View CPU information

uname -m
# View CPU architecture

cat /proc/meminfo
# View memory usage

df -h
# View disk usage
uname -a
# View kernel information

opkg print-architecture
# Acceptable architectures

# Read kernel logs

# Read system logs

ps -w
# List processes

# Display uptime and CPU load

vi etc/config/network
# Modify backend address or bind network port

/etc/init.d/uhttpd restart 
# Luci restart command

/etc/init.d/uhttpd enable 
# Enable auto-start on boot  

/etc/init.d/uhttpd start 
# Start uhttpd  

/etc/init.d/firewall restart
# Restart firewall

/etc/init.d/network restart
# Restart network service

/etc/config/dhcp restart
# Restart DHCP

# Reboot device

Installation Management#

opkg update
# Update package list

opkg install ***
# Install package

opkg remove ***
# Uninstall package

opkg install *.ipk
# Batch install packages

opkg [install/remove] [package name] --force-depends
# Force install and uninstall

opkg list | grep ***
# Search for package

opkg list-installed
# List all installed packages

opkg info ***
# View package information

opkg files ***
# View package files

rm /***/[filename]
# Clean up specified directory files

rm -f /var/lock/opkg.lock
# Clean up opkg update cache files

Disk Management#

fdisk -l 
# List all partition tables "-u" used with "-l" to show partition count

fdisk -m 
# Display menu and help information

fdisk -a 
# Mark active partition/boot partition

fdisk -d 
# Delete partition

fdisk -l 
# Display partition types

fdisk -n 
# Create new partition

fdisk -p 
# Display partition information

fdisk -q 
# Exit without saving

fdisk -t 
# Set partition number

fdisk -v 
# Perform partition check

fdisk -w 
# Save changes

fdisk -x 
# Extended application, advanced features

fdisk -s 
# Specify partition

fdisk -v 
# Version information

mount –t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb
# Mount NTFS hard drive

sleep 30 && mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1
# Mount disk to folder
iwinfo wlan0 info 
# View wireless network card information

wifi down 
wifi up
# Restart wireless service

iw dev wlan0 scan
# Scan for hotspots

iwinfo wlan0 assoclist  
iw dev wlan0 station dump
# View connected clients

Other Commands#

# Change login password

# Reset command

chmod +x ***
# Grant script permissions

nslookup www.baidu.com
# DNS query test

du -s /root/* | sort -nr
# View file directory size

ifconfig eth0 down
ifconfig eth0 hw ether XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX // Changed MAC address
ifconfig eth0 up
# Change MAC address

opkg install vsftpd openssh-sftp-server
/etc/init.d/vsftpd enable
/etc/init.d/vsftpd start
# Install SFTP file transfer
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